Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Pilsner Urquell - A Taste for a Tuesday

Hey Everybody!  "Great White" checking in here. I understand it's the middle of the week and drinking shouldn't be encouraged....but to hell with it! Live Life! 

-That being said.. normally I sip on Red Wine during a non-weekend/non-football day. However, I got some chicken wings in the oven. So, what goes well with chicken wings? BEER!  Now normally, "Great White" ain't a heavy beer drinker but I'm sippin tonight.  Let me tell you why. 

- I was at a Chicago White Sox game in May with a few of my co-workers.  One of them is a 70 year old, Irish season-ticket holder, of 4 seats, for all home games,  He was gracious enough to invite me (He didn't know how much of a die hard Cubs fan I am).  Let me also add this guy can drink you under the table, despite his age.  Around the bottom of the 1st inning he went up to get us our first round of beers.  He came back with this funky looking can with the words "Pilsner Urquell"

This by far is the BEST beer I have ever had.  It's an Import Lager from the Czech Republic.  About 4.4% alcohol content.  This beer sneaked up on me as I kept ordering another one every 2 innings.  Luckily, I had my 70-year old Irishman keeping up with me. My favorite part?  Maybe because I was off my ass by Inning 6, but I was absolutely amused every time my Irish co-worker kept getting us rounds, and came back with another different looking beer can (as pictured).  
Anyway, my chicken is about finished and I'm about to grub with a nice cold one. That being said, I thoroughly suggest it.  Go pick it up for Thursday Night Football at the very least.  HAPPY BETTING & HAPPY DRINKING! TNF features New York Jets (pk) vs. Buffalo.  My pick will be posted by Tomorrow night.  

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