Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday Night Football Cocktail!!

Monday Night Football heads to the twin cities tonight, to feature the New York Giants vs the Minnesota Vikings. While this should be a entertaining game tonight, for now we are focusing on what to sip on during the game.

Tonight we are going with a Minnesota home grown Ale that is brought to us from the Summit Brewing Company, out of Saint Paul Minnesota. This Extra Pale Ale is a great middle of the road Ale in my opinion. The mix between the bitterness that mellows nice with a malt breadline. The floral hops mixes perfectly with the malts sweetness. 5.2 ABV makes this a really great choice to watch the game with tonight. You will not regret the complex flavors that keeps your taste buds busy. Feel free to combine the EPA with just about any flavor of wing, but for me. I love the combo of this EPA and buckeye bbq wings.

Hope everybody enjoys the game and the spirits!!!

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