Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Its almost tailgate time!

Dear College Football Fans as we count down the days till kickoff, we might as well start getting our taste buds geared up and ready. There are many many options when it comes to picking successful opening day food of pleasure. Through the next week we are going to designed a wonderful near perfect menu for opening week.

Today we are going to start with, what I think should be a main stay at any tailgate or house football party. Sliders!!!!!  Feel free to choose what ever kind of meat to use for your sliders, that best fits your region or college team. For us we are going with Prime Rib sliders.  Sure prime rid can be a bit on the costly side, but this is opening weekend of College Football ladies and gentlemen. 

Prime rib sliders offers you and your guest options, which is always a good thing. From horseradish, spicy mayo, mustard or even just a sweet pickle with bbq sauce you can't go wrong. These tiny bites of heaven will get you geared up for what ever game you are watching or betting on!

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