Thursday, November 3, 2016

TNF Football

Hey Sports Fans!

Sorry I been gone a while. The Cubs had me on edge for the last week.  You see that game?  I shitted about 10 bricks and almost threw up, especially when Chapman gave up the ass in the bottom of the 8th inning.. Anyway,  all is well here in the CHI. GO CUBS!!


NFL: 12-10

ATL VS. TAMPA (+4.5)
It's about time Tampa Baby shows the hell up this game.  The defensive line that I foolishly believe in, for whatever reason, is going to show up.  I'm sure of it.  Matt Ryan and the Falcons are just clicking on all cylinders and it super hot.  However, my gut feeling is to go the other that's what I'm going to do.

Pick: Tampa +4.5 (1 unit play)

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